Educators to Africa

Connecting members of the African Disapora
through education, activities & dialogue.


Since 1971, ETA has planned and implemented programs, projects and

activities that have stimulated public awareness of issues concerning

African people throughout the world.

Over the course of 45 years, the ETA’s purpose has stayed the same: To connect, educate & empower members of the African diaspora. To assist us in our mission, the ETA has employed these key goals:

– To sponsor cultural and educational activities which will create a greater interest, awareness and appreciation of African history.

– To challenge and correct, wherever possible, the many distortions and omissions related to Africa’s historical past and present.

– To connect with organizations and individuals that share similar goals and objectives.

– To foster an appreciation and understanding of Africa’s contributions to world culture and civilization.

– To support members in their acquisition of knowledge and understanding of current circumstances/issues in present day Africa.

Support ETA!

Help Us Explore and Preserve

African Culture & History


Member Trips to Africa


Community Investments Made


Lifelong Bonds Made

Interested in exploring your African roots? Consider becoming a member of Educators to Africa today.
We frequently have monthly book club meeting, seminars, symposiums, social events, and more!

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